Thursday, November 21, 2019

H.S. YOUTH: Poinsettia Sale Fundraiser

For years when I was living in MN we sold bedding plants each spring as a youth fundraiser. It was our best fundraiser great because so many people buy annuals, it's not focused on getting more money from the congregation (a detriment to many small congregations regular giving), and the youth can make as little or as much as the effort they put in. One year I had a girl make over $600 because she not only asked her family, but tons of people in her community.  We used Gertens because they always provided good, healthy plants and a lot of choices. Guess what? Gertens has a poinsettia funraiser too! Some people sell Christmas wreaths or other greenery and that is nice, but so many people buy holiday flowers that this is a no-brainer for youth fundraising.

What if you don't live near Gertens? Looking online I can find a nursery that sells poinsettias for a fundraiser in almost every state. Search for poinsettia fundraiser near me or try searching poinsettia fundraiser (your state).

The only thing I want to caution you on is making sure you get healthy, good quality plants that will be blooming when needed. Nobody wants a sanctuary of non-blooming lilies or green poinsettias. Look for reviews of the nursery you use!!

It may be too late this year, but put this in your file for next year!
(I can't believe I didn't think of it earlier...)

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

EDUCATION: NO-NO for Fill-in-the-Blank or T/F

I know that people love workbooks that have true/false or multiple choice quizzes as well as fill-in-the-blank notes. Why? Because they're easy to do and easy to grade and on some level we think when students get them completed correctly that they've learned something. Not to mention that they're so much easier to teach. You don't have to come up with challenging questions that students don't answer. It's so much easier for kids to look at the verse and or listen to the speaker and pick the missing word. The problem is that those things don't indicate learning. They indicate listening or looking. Look at the example below.

You can see that the first question is a guess at what someone is going to say. Any number of words can go in that blank, so the first thing students are going to do is to listen for the teacher to start the sentence so they can catch the word. Our brains do not multitask. They can think about something or listen, which is why it's never a good idea to talk while students are writing. They will either write or listen, but cannot think about what you're saying while thinking about what they're writing. Let them write and then talk or talk and then let them write. Get comfortable waiting. You can also see that with the other two blanks there are Bible verses listed. Again, students will look for the missing word, but not think about what the verse says. Do you want them to think or come up with the correct words?  Look at the true/false quiz example below. 

There are two problems with true/false quizzes. One you've got a good chance at a correct guess. When looking it over you'll never know if a student understands more than what is there, understands any of what is there, or was just a good guesser. Also, it's not easy to write a good true/false question. These questions were found on an online confirmation curriculum and anyone could guess the correct answers. (The first question should be revised.) 

It's time to start teaching confirmation with the inquiry method. If you want a more meaningful class that's based in discussion and meaningful interaction with the material, take a look at this book on Amazon

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

CONFIRMATION: First Day Activities

I love first day classes! You get to know your students (and they get to know you) and you can assess them in fun and interesting ways. Here are a few that I've done in the past. You can find forms for some of them on Teacher-Pay-Teachers.

Getting to Know You Quiz -- Ask about 10 questions. Use the link to get a free copy of mine or create your own.

Verbal Charades -- This is fun! Start in teams the first time you play the game and then later in the year try playing solo. The goal is to see what terms and concepts students know. Cut the terms apart and put them in a bowl, hat, bucket, etc. They have to describe them for their team as they guess what they are. Playing this increases their ability to talk about what they know/believe. Create your own or use mine on Teachers-Pay-Teachers. It's reproducible so can be used for years.

Luther's Small Catechism Scavenger Hunt -- This is especially good for those who are in their first year of confirmation. It's simply a page of questions that help students become familiar with the catechism. Use competitively or not! Come up with your own or use mine on Teachers-Pay-Teachers. It's reproducible so can be used year after year!

Books of the Bible Challenge -- Download the cards and print a few sets on cardstock, have students create and bring their own, or print them on Avery Index Cards and simply pull them apart. Have one set for each group and have them put them in order. Prizes for the first 3 groups/people who can put them in order quickest or who can put them in order in under 2 or 3 minutes. Make sure you mix the cards up well first! They're on Teacher-Pay-Teachers for free!

Find it on Amazon!

Enjoy your first day of confirmation. Make sure you have a syllabus. To create a more meaningful confirmation education experience, check out this book!

There may be more helpful information on my sample confirmation website like a link to the confirmation Quizlet Cards:
Confirmation ROCKS!.

Don't forget to share the LUTHERAN SONG by Lost and Found!

Friday, May 10, 2019

EDUCATION: Skeptic's Annotated Bible

You may not have seen this, but I stumbled upon the Skeptic's Annotated Bible today. This is such a cool resource! Why? Because it's annotated with questions and remarks from a skeptic. It's clear that the skeptic did not read much, try to make any connections, or try to understand, and this is great because we can use it to give middle or high school students practice at responding to the comments and questions. You can project the info, cut and paste sections, or create a handout with the NOTES and let kids use their own Bibles. Give it a try!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

H.S. ACTIVITY: God is in Control

Download Sample
Many high school students struggle these days because of their rigorous schedules and the expectations that they be "fabulous" all the time and "successful" at whatever they do. Everyone wants to be the smartest, most beautiful, most popular, etc. We see everybody's best life all over social media and we can hardly keep from comparing our lives to the lives of others. We see everybody's parents gushing over the accomplishments of their children and might wonder why our parents don't gush over us. Add to that the lovely behavior of politicians and society when things don't go their way and suddenly everybody is living with high anxiety. How should life be? What in life is important? How will I be successful? Will people like or even love me? What if I'm a big failure? What if I'm not as smart as everybody else? What if I'm not funny? What if... what if... what if?

We all need to be reminded that God is ultimately in control of our lives. The best we can do is make wise choices in the areas we can control and trust God with the rest, but it's hard. We think we're supposed to do all the "right" things. Sometimes we need to be reminded that 1) there are things we can control, 2) there are things we can't control, and 3) God is ultimately in control. As long as we believe that we have no worries. 

This activity is to provide kids with something they can keep in their room to remind them that they can only control so much. You'll need lots of colored markers and large white pieces of paper, one for each student. Here's what you do: 
Download jpg here
  1. Print the white paper and give one to each student. 
  2. Talk to kids about control, what they can and can't control. Basically they can only control themselves and nothing about other people. They make their own choices and sometimes they affect others. That's why we need to trust God. 
  3. Fill in the circle with things they can control. 
  4. Since God controls everything. Have them look up and choose one of the verses below as their verse of calmness (that may not be a word). They should put it on the poster and memorize it.
Psalm 23:4, Psalm 27:1, Psalm 34:4, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 56:3, Psalm 118:6-7, Proverbs 16:9, Isaiah 41:10, Isaiah 43:1, Matthew 6:34, John 14:27, John 16:33, Romans 8:28, Romans 12:2, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Philippians 4:6-7, 1 Peter 5:7, 2 Timothy 1:7

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

H.S. YOUTH: Transgender

A number of years ago I was leading a Bible study and the topic of homosexuality came up. There was a girl who had decided that God was wrong about it. Obviously, she thought God could be wrong. I didn't have time to delve into it at the time, but I did make sure I told the pastor what happened so that he might have a conversation with her about it and perhaps answer some of her questions. That's when I decided that it was important to bring up some of the social topics that were or seemed so obvious to adults. Today transgender is one of those topics. There are two issues at stake, one is biblical and the other is social.
  • Everybody wants everybody to be okay. 
  • Nobody wants to be the one who is accused of being a Christian who doesn't love everybody and everything because God is love. 
The problem is that while God is love and He loves everybody, He doesn't love everything we do. He doesn't love every choice we make, though He knows that our world is full of sin and that's why HE found a way to cleanse us through His SON.

There are some amazing resources out there discussing this and below are two of them: the video and a link to the blog of an LCMS man who struggled with being transgender and Christian. It is amazing! It's a lot to read, but he wrote letter to the LCMS, to the CTCR, and it clearly shows his struggle through scripture. Be sure not to miss his post for Good Friday 2019!

Eilers Pizza transgender blog

This video was removed from YouTube at one time. Hopefully, it will not be removed again.

Monday, April 1, 2019

H.S. YOUTH: Raising Your Sons With Respect

We all know that men and women are different. They just are. We are motivated by different things and were created that way: (Ephesians 5) Wives respect your husbands, husbands love your wives. When they know they are respected, men feel better about themselves and step up their game. When they know they are loved, women feel better about themselves and step up their game.

This applies to how you raise your children as well. Often these days we see women not understanding how to respect their husbands, but also their sons as they grow to be men. Your sons know you love them, but do they know you respect them? How can you make sure they do? 

Part 1

Part 2

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

PARENTS: Praying For Your Adult Children

I married a man with 8 teenage to adult children who are all very independent. While they don't think so, I know they still need guidance. We When we got married the youngest was 13 and the oldest was 28 and had 3 kids of her own. It's a challenge to be a stepmom at that stage. They were/are very independent and It was just time for them to start making their own decisions and living with the choices, which is really hard for a parent, even a new stepparent. We only have one in the house now and I still worry and pray. I've written prayers, created bookmarks, and even wrote a booklet for praying for your children for safety, wisdom, courage, integrity, faith, forgiveness, and guidance.

Then, I was recently reading a book called Praying the Scriptures for Your Adult Children by Jodie Berndt and got a really great idea. She recommends choosing a Bible verse to pray for each of your children for a year and see how God works in their lives. You can do this by either buying a bunch of bookmarks (100 for about $11 on Amazon) or put them on post-its (I would get the 2x sticky ones) on your bathroom or bedroom mirror. You can even get colored tassels if you want! 

At some point our kids grow up and leave our direct influence, but the Holy Spirit never leaves them! As I say in the booklet,
"Life can be difficult, happiness fleeting, relationships challenging, tragedy unexpected, and worldly success out of reach. Sometimes it's hard to know what to pray. Our kids will be happy if they follow their Lord. They will find purpose in his will. In him alone will they find true peace and joy. If they seek him, they will define success as he defines it; humility, obedience, compassion, and love."