- Teenagers already know everything about life that they think they need to know and want to be independent.
- We want teenagers to be independent, but at 16, 17, and even 18, they're not quite ready yet.
We live in this house as a family and families are units who live together, treat each other well, work together, and support each other physically and emotionally. We live by family rules set by the authority figures we call parents (or guardians). They are the ones who have the responsibility for what happens in the house and they pay the bills. These rules, set by parents, include manners and common courtesy. Each parent gets to decide how much independence each child is allowed. As you become independent and we learn that you can be responsible and trustworthy, the amount of independence you're allowed grows. So, here's the choice.
The people who live in our home free of charge are called FAMILY. The benefits of living together as a family include caring about each other, food (3 meals a day) and fellowship, family vacations, celebrating holidays and going to church together, and since we all live there, each member participates in the work it takes to keep the family home in good shape. When you're a part of a family there are also responsibilities. Responsibilities may include respect of people and things, curfew, chores, and putting up with parental input regarding your life choices which may result in behavioral consequences.
People who live in our home as independent adults are called RENTERS. Typically we don't rent rooms in our home, but because you are our child, we will make an exception. Of course, renting includes financial responsibilities instead of family responsibilities, but if you are unhappy with your situation you may choose to become a renter and rent a room from us. Landlords set the rules by which you may live on their property, so, for $250 - $300 a month a renter receives a single furnished room, a cupboard in the kitchen, and a small shelf in the refrigerator. You will also be responsible for a percentage of utilities, and if necessary, maid service for laundry and bathroom/bedroom cleaning. Rent does NOT include use of a car, paid gas or auto insurance, food (breakfast, lunch, or dinner), free use of WiFi, use of a family computer, or cell phone.
Choices... Choices!
Welcome to independence!!