Getting to Know You Quiz -- Ask about 10 questions. Use the link to get a free copy of mine or create your own.
Verbal Charades -- This is fun! Start in teams the first time you play the game and then later in the year try playing solo. The goal is to see what terms and concepts students know. Cut the terms apart and put them in a bowl, hat, bucket, etc. They have to describe them for their team as they guess what they are. Playing this increases their ability to talk about what they know/believe. Create your own or use mine on Teachers-Pay-Teachers. It's reproducible so can be used for years.
Luther's Small Catechism Scavenger Hunt -- This is especially good for those who are in their first year of confirmation. It's simply a page of questions that help students become familiar with the catechism. Use competitively or not! Come up with your own or use mine on Teachers-Pay-Teachers. It's reproducible so can be used year after year!
Books of the Bible Challenge -- Download the cards and print a few sets on cardstock, have students create and bring their own, or print them on Avery Index Cards and simply pull them apart. Have one set for each group and have them put them in order. Prizes for the first 3 groups/people who can put them in order quickest or who can put them in order in under 2 or 3 minutes. Make sure you mix the cards up well first! They're on Teacher-Pay-Teachers for free!
Find it on Amazon! |
Enjoy your first day of confirmation. Make sure you have a syllabus. To create a more meaningful confirmation education experience, check out this book!
There may be more helpful information on my sample confirmation website like a link to the confirmation Quizlet Cards:
Confirmation ROCKS!.
Don't forget to share the LUTHERAN SONG by Lost and Found!