Tuesday, April 30, 2019

H.S. YOUTH: Transgender

A number of years ago I was leading a Bible study and the topic of homosexuality came up. There was a girl who had decided that God was wrong about it. Obviously, she thought God could be wrong. I didn't have time to delve into it at the time, but I did make sure I told the pastor what happened so that he might have a conversation with her about it and perhaps answer some of her questions. That's when I decided that it was important to bring up some of the social topics that were or seemed so obvious to adults. Today transgender is one of those topics. There are two issues at stake, one is biblical and the other is social.
  • Everybody wants everybody to be okay. 
  • Nobody wants to be the one who is accused of being a Christian who doesn't love everybody and everything because God is love. 
The problem is that while God is love and He loves everybody, He doesn't love everything we do. He doesn't love every choice we make, though He knows that our world is full of sin and that's why HE found a way to cleanse us through His SON.

There are some amazing resources out there discussing this and below are two of them: the video and a link to the blog of an LCMS man who struggled with being transgender and Christian. It is amazing! It's a lot to read, but he wrote letter to the LCMS, to the CTCR, and it clearly shows his struggle through scripture. Be sure not to miss his post for Good Friday 2019!

Eilers Pizza transgender blog

This video was removed from YouTube at one time. Hopefully, it will not be removed again.


  1. Hi, Laura~

    Thank you so much for the kind words and for linking your readers to my blog - and you did it on my birthday, so that was extra cool!

    In only one day, your post generated twenty-four clicks to my blog, with dozens of pages read. Most of them were of the trans/Christian intersection.

    May I plug my book? I recently published my memoir, "A Roller Coaster Through a Hurricane." It is available on Amazon, both in print and as an ebook. In it, I explore every facet of the gender dysphoria/transgender/Christian question.

    I pray that through your work and my own, the Lord is glorified and His people are edified. Thanks so much, Laura!

    The Lord be with you!

    Greg Eilers

  2. Hi Greg, I'm sorry I didn't respond to this earlier. Your blog is amazing and you talk about your struggle in a way that makes it so real and understandable to anyone. I hope people read the book and I will too! God bless you as you continue on your journey with Christ,
