Sunday, August 31, 2014

CONFIRMATION: Read the Bible!!

“Biblical literacy is neither a current reality nor a goal in the U.S.” (The Barna Group,

What most Christians believe about the Bible and their faith is completely misguided. The problem stems from

Workbook on Amazon
1) Not really knowing what the Bible says. Christians are creating their own version of Christianity based on what they want to believe is true as opposed to what the Bible teaches. Barna’s research suggests that this practice takes effect in the early teenage years and that by the time most kids reach the age of 14 they think they know everything about the Bible and don’t need it anymore.

2) Reading out of context. One of the things missing from confirmation education is the expectation to read the Bible in more than short sections or specifically chosen verses. Barna says, “Bible reading has become the religious equivalent of sound-bite journalism.” If it fits on a coffee cup and they agree with it then they accept it. As a result of this practice students go through confirmation without understanding the fundamental themes and have little interest in deepening their knowledge of the Bible or its author.

Developed from the "70 Most Important Events in the Bible," the "Old Testament Bible Reading Plan and Workbook for Middle School" is a one year, 33 week reading plan with comprehension questions. Until this point, most students have heard and talked about various stories in Sunday School but have never had the opportunity to read God's redeeming story in context themselves. The middle school comprehension questions are primarily plot oriented in order to give students an overall understanding of the story of God's ongoing relationship with His people. Students should be able to relate the stories back to the educator with accuracy and be able to tell what God is doing and what the people are doing as well as apply what they know about them in different ways. Answers are not included as students should not be looking for what the author or the pastor/educator thinks, but what they think. If educators are unfamiliar with any particular reading they may read along with the students. Check out a SAMPLE!

A pdf file with photocopy permission within a congregation is available from my website or a workbook for each student may be purchased through Amazon. I'm going through it with my students this year. 

(Old Testament Level II for high school will be out later this month and then Gospels & Acts followed by Epistles later this year.)

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