Sunday, October 26, 2014

CONFIRMATION: Create a TED-Ed lesson?!!?

Did you know TED-Ed has a lesson creation tool?  

  • Use the TED-Ed website to search of any video on YouTube.
  • Use TED-Ed to enhance the video by adding goals or objectives, add multiple choice or open ended questions, add links to other articles or resources online, or even a blog you created to give students something to think about. 
  • Use TED-Ed for online discussion. 
  • It even allows you to track their progress!

How might you use this fabulous tool? Well, if you need to be gone and still want to give your students something to think about you could use it to flip your classroom, you could prepare something for the kids to experience beforehand that you want to discuss face-to-face in class, or you could create a whole online confirmation program. If you're going to create an online course I would include face-to-face discussion time every couple of weeks to touch base. It allows for a better assessment opportunities.

Check out the video or learn more on the TED-Ed website.

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