Friday, October 4, 2013

REFORMATION: Society Then and Now

I found this great information regarding the Renaissance and the Reformation from that was very enlightening as the more I read it the more I saw that it remarkably parallels society today.  I think it would make for some great discussion as we get closer to Reformation Day.

Renaissance and the Reformation
Humanists and artists made it an age of individualism and self-creativity making society very secularized.
Europeans were very focused on materialism.
1543 is said to be the origin of the scientific revolution and would end with Newton at the end of the 17th century.  (Internet and the Technological Revolution)
The printing press made it possible to disseminate ideas (create books) more cheaply than ever before.  (Blogs)
Many people found the church’s emphasis on tradition and ritualism unhelpful in their quest for personal salvation.
The church leadership was said to have lost its spiritual influence over its people.
There was a general tendency toward anti-church with a distrust and dislike of the clergy.
One group believed it was time to do away with organized religion and another believed it was time for reform.
The church was considered too formal and boring and the people sought a more personal and spiritual religion; something that would touch their hearts.
The people wanted a guarantee that they were doing the right thing to be saved.
The traditions and rituals of the church began to mean little to the people.
The church gave little thought to reforming itself.
Mystics became more popular claiming they had been illuminated and found the “key” to salvation.   
Commerce and trade was so good that people felt life here and now was something good to the point that there was no real need for God.
The church was challenged by an increasing awareness of ethnicity and nationalism with events such as Joan of Arc and the 100 Years War.  (Immigration)
Merchants and skilled workers living in cities were growing wealthy and influential with growing materialism.  (Lobbyists)
European kings were more interested in power than nobility.  (Politicians)

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