Thursday, May 3, 2018

WORSHIP: Bulletin Welcome!

Some churches aren't sure what to do about children in church. Of course, you want them there. There's no need to send them out to be entertained while adults worship. Families need to worship together, not separately. I've been to some churches that have interesting statements in their bulletins. I've heard some pastors make announcements at the beginning of the service. One pastor said he wanted kids to feel comfortable and didn't mind them running around during the service. Whoa! I want them comfortable too, but kids running around would be distracting for everyone. We also don't want parents to feel their kids need to be still and silent. Church can be a challenge for parents with young children. While visiting my parents I read the message below in their bulletin and thought it was the best message I've read so far.

  • First, please relax and enjoy your time here. We know that children tend to wiggle and squawk a bit, so please don't feel embarrassed by it. Your children are welcome here at Faith.
  • Each Sunday your child may pick up a pew activity pouch to the left of the sanctuary doors. Please return these after the service.
  • To make things a bit easier for your family, dare to sit closer to the front where your child can see what's going on at the altar. Guide them in the liturgy and be models for them. Help them find the hymns and encourage them to stand/sit when appropriate, say "Amen" and "Thanks be to God," and generally help them be a part of the service. The liturgy belongs to them too.
  • If you have to leave, hurry back! Jesus wants the children here and we do too. If you need help, just ask. There are many here who are willing to lend you a hand.

Below is the visitor message from the same church. This pastor has a very relaxed way about him and it shows in how the people of the congregation interact with each other and visitors.

We are pleased that you join us today! We pray that you would be nourished and strengthened as God comes to us in His holy Word. You are among fellow sinners who are in need of God's grace and forgiveness in Jesus. If you would like to learn more about our confession of faith or desire pastoral care in any way, please contact Pastor _____.

If you really like the message in your church bulletin, please share it in a comment!

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