Tuesday, May 20, 2014

LEADERSHIP: Want to send group texts?

One of the best ways to communicate with people these days is texting. You can get your information sent out to a lot of people without spending hours in conversation. One problem is that being able to text large groups depends on your phone. Some phones will send 10 texts and some just one at a time. Here are a few options to help with that problem. BE SURE to check all the details of any pay by the month service to make sure it's worth what you pay. Some of the details will depend on how many texts you send and whether or not you want people to be able to respond.

Groupme - FREE
Can be used with Twitter and Facebook

Wiggio - FREE
Video Tour available on site and  YouTube
Keep a shared calendar
Can send a poll to get input

SMS Monkey - FREE
Can send and receive
Works in conjunction with Gmail

Remind101 - FREE - Most commonly used by teachers.
All phone numbers are kept private
Schedule texts to be sent at a later date
Messages are one-way, so students & parents cannot reply
Have up to 10 separate groups/classes
Easy sign-up

Eztexting - Monthly Fee
Used by some really large congregations.
Group texting for ministries.
Organize groups
Schedule future texts
Sign-up widget available for your website, email, and Facebook
Free Trial

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